Hello, Welcome to Hangzhou Golden(Jinpu) Spectrum Scientific Instrument Co.,Ltd.!
Hangzhou Golden(Jinpu) Spectrum Scientific Instrument Co.,Ltd.
RHF ? 高溫箱式爐
- 最高工作溫度1400℃、1500℃和1600℃
- PID301標準控制器,單段程序控制
- 爐腔體積3、8、15和35L
- Soft closing parallel action door (3 & 8 litre models only)
- 大功率硅碳棒加熱,高溫下使用壽命長,可承受間歇式沖擊,能在高溫下長時間工作
- RHF 3 & 8 litre have a cast alumina hearth; RHF 15 & 35 have silicon carbide hearth
- 低能耗輕質保溫材料,確保高能效和快速升溫
Options (specify these at time of order)
- 過溫保護
- A range of sophisticated digital controllers, multi-segment programmers and data loggers is available. These can be fitted with RS232, RS485 or Ethernet communications
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HTF ? 高溫實驗室箱式爐
- 1700°C & 1800°C maximum operating temperature
- 爐膛體積4 ~ 27L
- 優越的硅鉬棒加熱元件的性能
- Parallel action door keeps heated surface away from the user
- 垂直上開門,確保灼熱的爐門遠離操作者
- 爐膛采用優質耐火磚和低能耗輕質保溫材料
- Programmable 3216P1 controller
- 過溫保護
- RS232 數據通訊 (HTF17/5,HTF17/10,HTF18/4,HTF18/8 標配)
- 箱體內有冷卻風扇,確保外殼低溫
- The HTF 17/25 & HTF 18/15 both have electric door actuation
Options (specify these at time of order)
- A range of sophisticated digital controllers, multi-segment programmers and data loggers is available. These can be fitted with RS232, RS485 or Ethernet communications
- RS232和RS485數據通訊 (HTF17/25,HTF18/15,HTF18/27)
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BLF ??高溫底載式爐
- 1600°C, 1700°C & 1800°C maximum operating temperature
- 爐腔體積3 ~ 21L
- Programmable 3216P1 controller
- 適用于高溫陶瓷燒結,高溫玻璃熔化或不同氣氛下使用
- 可通過升降爐床實現快速加熱和冷卻循環
- Electrically operated elevator hearth protects operator from the chamber's radiant heat
- Hearth cage with safety interlock
- Excellent temperature uniformity as a result of the hexagonal chamber
- 標配過溫保護,避免無人操作時超負載工作
- 1600 °C model heated by silicon carbide elements
- 1700 °C & 1800 °C models heated by molybdenum disilicide elements
Options (specify these at time of order)
- A range of sophisticated digital controllers, multi-segment programmers and data loggers is available. These can be fitted with RS232, RS485 or Ethernet communications
- 配套坩堝
- Modified hearth for the introduction of gases into an inverted crucible (not gas tight)
- Radiation shutter
- Customised options including: adaptation to introduce thermocouple or stirrer through the chamber roof and rotating hearth
- Plasma sprayed alumina protection tube to protect heating elements from sample contamination
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